Jane @ Beautiful Souls

Hello, and It is lovely to meet you.

I am often asked! What exactly is it you do?. It is hard to describe, but the closest would be to say, I am simply a witness to the Healer within you, for each and everyone of us we are our own Healer.


Here is a snapshot about how the Spiritual Path was knocking on my door at a very young age.

My vision and ability to see beyond arrived at the age of nine; this occured after a somewhat challenging emergency surgery. I remember clearly the visions I experienced whilst being in the children's ward during the recovery. Once back home they continued and became a regular occurrence.

Later I came to learn about Clairvoyance, seeing beyond normal sensory contact, including Claircognizance, meaning Clear Knowing. It was such a relief to put a name to this 'vision ability' and more. I became interested in holistic therapies and psychic development, so I began to read, study and talk to those who worked in this field.

In 1992 I heard about a Japanese Healing Art called Reiki. Training courses were taking place in London at that time. I was drawn like a magnet to this healing practice and wanted to know more. Soon, I embarked onto the training courses.  Finally I became an Accredited Usui Reiki Master/Teacher in 1999. This was life-changing. Reiki became a springboard into all that was spiritual, mystical and, at times, quite magical. I am, and always will be eternally grateful to both my Reiki Master Teachers and the Ascended Masters.

I went on to study various holistic practices.

A few years later during my own meditations I was introduced to the Akasha, The Akashic Records, also known as The Book of Life. Once again I began my studies, what I learnt literally blew me away. I knew then that this is what I was meant to be doing, and all that, that went before was in preparation. As a Energy Healing Practitioner/Teacher, this was to play the major role in how I was particulaly given to work within the Akashic Records. 

My passion and my purpose is to support all my clients to step into there own power, and to live their highest potential. 

I am so very grateful to my Teachers as well as the many, many channelled teachings from the Spiritual Realms, which I continue to receive.
