Client Reviews


My sessions with you, Jane, are like springboards to help me through the rocky patches of my life. The insights you are given in, and bring forward from, The Akasha help me so much. They, you, show where I have brought wounds or behaviours from previous lifetimes into this lifetime. You shine a light so that I am able to shift my perspective and allow in healing. As you know, I take notes while we are talking. Some of what you say resonates with me immediately; parts of my reading I pick up after and to this end I find it very valuable to write up my notes a day or two later. I look forward to the next part of our journey together. Thank you.


Vivien from East Sussex UK


Really eye opening and so interesting, a great experience. I would recommend Jane to anyone looking for some direction in their life, and, or, as in my case an answer to a "Why" question I had, which interestingly split into two lifes, one being the present and the second showed up in a past life. I loved hearing the results, and all though I had no recollection of how a feeling which I had expressed in our chat earlier was related to the present life, it actually made so much sense and I felt lighter as she explained. I am re booked a further Akashic Record reading, "im hooked" lol!.  I 100% Highly Recommend Jane @ Beautiful Souls.


Melbourne Australia


Jane is a wonderful healer who helped me to deeply change my life and get rid of old stuck karmic energy. Her healing let true wonders happen, wonders that I would never consider even possible in this lifetime.

Last year (2023) I booked two sessions with Jane in order to find some explanation for my very difficult relationship with my brother and my female cousin. The goal was to check the Akashic records for any common past lives and events in those lives that could justify the turbulence in the current life. Not only did Jane find the relevant information in the Akashics during the reading but she also healed and cleaned up all stuck and blocked energy in this regard. Additionally, the space made in the Akashic records after the healing has been filled with beautiful new energy and some extra personal “gifts”. So beautiful.

And a miracle happened: Around Xmas last year I met both my female cousin and my brother and his family after over twenty years of not talking to them and having basically no contact with them because for me they simply did not exist anymore in my life – so deep both the karmic wounds and the wounds from this lifetime were. It all has been beautifully healed. And on top of that Jane was supporting remotely my meeting with my brother via distant healing and sending good vibes. The atmosphere of both meetings was so harmonious and peaceful I simply could not believe it.

I can 100% recommend Jane’s reading & healing sessions for whatever and whenever you feel ready to heal from the present and past lives. The support she provides is both loving and effective. It is such a relief now, the feeling of peace and harmony is simply beyond any words. My deep eternal gratitude to Jane for all she has done for me!

Joanna from Switzerland

Note from Jane. . "Joanna has been on her journey for quite sometime, this she kindly shared with me, where she embarked on healing sessions, internal transformation, including preparations on her soul healing journey. 20 years was certainly quite a span of time, but for this Beautiful Soul the time was right for them all to joyously reunite, and begin there journeys together".



It was so good to work with Jane, in fact this is the second time she has done an Akashic Records reading for our young son. Jane explained that young people under a certain age need to have there records read via a paternal or maternal line with there permission, which was interesting in itself. Our son appeared to have an issue in relation to his sports training, this was causing him to be unsettled, and a little anxious which he said he did not know why? on both occasions Jane produced the awarness of where it came from, she calls it a "block" and what it was relating too, she said it is nearly always revelaling and super helpfull in shifting. I completly recommened Jane, she is genuine, kind and professional, but at the same time she makes you feel so comfortable and relaxed. All I can say now is a big "THANKYOU".

 B J M

East Sussex UK

was drawn to having an Akashic Records Reading. I came across Jane’s website and was instantly drawn to her. My reading was so interesting and made so much sense to why I have felt stuck in an area in my life. She spoke of a past life which was super fascinating and how it was affecting me now. Feeling so motivated, will be back again very soon. Contact Jane, she is so down to earth and so spiritually connected, with a brilliant sense of humour.

P N 

South London UK


Thank you for my wonderful wonderful Oracle Card Reading. I totally recommend anyone needing direction and so much more. Jane is so lovely, I am booking in again really soon. x


Kent UK


I have received an Akashic record reading with Jane, she was able to pinpoint certain issues which resulted in a shift and positive change, she gave me great insights too. I will be booking for another reading very soon,. It is such a wonderfully interesting experience, and is so interesting too, especially to see how we are affected by certain things, even how our memories are stored and how they affect us and our life.  Thank you Jane I feel so positive and already am feeling the change.


Rochester Kent


Working with Jane is literally,  "Therapy for the Soul" Thank you Thank you.


Texas USA


I had a wonderful Akashic Reading with Jane a little while ago. We chatted prior to the work being done which was interesting in its self. Jane booked my appointment in and contacted me so I could receive the results. I chose to have a WhatsApp video call for this part of my reading. She explained what was shown to her during the work which was so interesting, Jane calls it a discovery. Although it covered a past life and more, it seemed to make sense somehow. But the healing shift that took place has been amazing.  My reading in many ways gave me so much more confidence, and I felt I got back in touch with that part of me that would have stood up for myself in certain ways when needed. Receiving a promotion at work was 100% to do with the healing shift from my reading, for I have worked at the company for quite a few years and was never recognised. I will be for sure contacting Jane again. Thank you.


St Helier, Jersey Channel Islands


Bit late writing my review but here it is. I Loved my oracle reading with Jane, actually thats an understatment it was amazing. I chose to have a postal reading as I have not got a computer. We spoke over the phone before she did my reading. The result was exactly what I needed, and although Jane does not work specifically as a medium what happened for me was so on those lines, it was so comforting and perfect timing. What was so wonderful, although the postal reading seemed lost in the mail, (Jane was about to send a new copy), it finally arrived on my fathers birthday, who had passed away, it was the best gift ever. I cannot recommend Jane enough, she has worked with some of my friends now, she is truly gifted. Thank you Jane.


San Antonio Texas USA


“What I love about Beautiful Souls is Jane, Jane and Jane again”.  She is wonderful at what she does. Sincere, professional and is so caring and knowledgable. Great at communicating too. I completely recommend Beautiful Souls.


Norfolk UK


I recently had an akashic record reading with Jane , I haven’t ever experienced one before so I didn’t know what to expect - Jane arranged a call with me before she did my reading and she explained perfectly how it all worked and asked my permission and if I had any questions - I asked her if she could connect and ask what I needed to know at this time.
I had some personal issues going on at the time and I didn’t tell Jane and was wondering if the life lesson would be mentioned in my reading.

When Jane contacted me again to tell me what she had picked up for me - as she told me I was covered in goosebumps all the way thorough , I was emotional and mesmerised as it touched me at such a soul level I can’t describe.

Personal experiences , thoughts and memories were mentioned - things that connected with me deeply nobody else knew.

Also a connection to a spirit guide I had met a few weeks before I hadn’t spoke to anyone about - Jane picked it up and shared so much clarity with me about my pathway.

There was lots of healing that happened in the following weeks also , and I can’t quite describe the impact Janes words from what she collected in my Akashic records because it was truly magical at a deep soul level.
Janes connection is just beautiful , I felt safe and fully happy from the start to afterwards and fully supported too , I know she works with so much love I felt it fully.

I would highly recommend Jane and she’s a true professional and so very connected and kind.

I look forwards to booking again and I’ve already recommended her to many of my friends.

Thanks again Jane

Annette Jackson

Spiritual Medium / Reiki Master

Manchester UK


Jane came over to see my Horse to give him an energy healing session, this was a first for both him and me, he loved it. It was wonderful watching his response, actually quite quickly he was super relaxed and really calm. As horse owners know these gorgeous animals pick up on others energy pretty quick, Jane said even quicker than humans. It was such a wonderful experience. I asked her does she pick up on anything during the session? she shared a couple of insights in relation to,  (in Janes words)  Soul Sharing/Information, so interseting. Thank you and we look forweard to seeing you on his next session.


East Sussex


Thank you Jane for coming to my Mums house to give her both Reiki and Rahanni healing sessions. You gave her great comfort, and I noticed my mum was at greater peace following your work and time with her, and certainly helped with her symptoms expecially the leg ulcer. As we know she was soon to develop the early onset of dementia. It was so lovely to hear the giggles as you would go down memory lane with her during her sessions. Jane is a talented and wondeful channel. I can fully recommend working with Jane and all the modalities of healing she offers.


BSC Honours in Nursing and Nursing Public Health

Bexhill East Sussex


 I have had the extreme pleasure of working with Jane, refreshing my Reiki Skills, and on another project. I approached Jane for distant healing on my one Standard Poodle, Riley. He has a heart disease that creates a deep hacking cough. We were not getting much sleep as my poor boy was coughing all night long, literally 4 to 5 hrs. I spoke to Jane as my energy was unbalanced, as was Riley’s energy. I was distraught. I contacted Jane discussed with her our needs to alleviate the distress in Riley and myself. She was very attentive and sensitive to my emotional state and the need for healing for Riley’s discomfort as well as my own. We are so very blessed to work with Jane.

Her knowledge of the healing modality of Reiki and other modalities are impressive. Jane’s compassionate nature and skills as a teacher are above and beyond. Jane is understanding and sensitive to your needs at any given moment. She possesses a very intuitive spirit filled with Divine Love and Light that permeates every aspect of her being. Riley and I are so very thankful for the healings that have taken place through Jane’s sessions, and we continue to heal on many different levels.

I would encourage anyone looking for a myriad of spiritual healings and or experiences to consider working with Jane. Her continued dedication to her clients and the expansion of her own skills are duly noted and most impressive.
I have studied a variety of Spiritual Modalities and have found Jane to be well versed in many of these methods. Her loving manner while working with clients is beyond reproach. She is a Divine Teacher filled with such love, beauty and grace. Heartfelt thanks and deep gratitude to Jane for the healing relief administered to Riley and myself. Our home is calm and happy once again.

Linda C.
Palm Springs, California USA

Teacher of (ACIM) A Course in Miracles


I was blessed to be able to have some Rahanni sessions recently from Jane at Beautiful Souls, for an ongoing condition I have. I can not recommend Jane highly enough, she was extremely professional with a very calming and soothing manner throughout. The sessions benefitted me greatly and I always experienced feelings of calmness  and wellbeing as a result of the sessions.

I also received an Online/Distant Akashic Records Reading, her knowing and compassion is truly wonderful, she explains and shares the insights and guidance given, including any healing gifts.

Looking forward to working with Jane again.

Rochester, Kent, England



- and there have been so many dull moments for me this year.  The need to understand and to overcome brought me to Jane who together with the Healing and the involving of Jane's alternative Spiritual paths and connections/combinations have proved so precious and comforting in their revealing aspects.  Insofar that despite or because of, what I've experienced, with the insight given/shown to me, I'm in a far better place of  understanding the "journey of life" knowing and feeling that, with 'Spiritual' help to boot, every situation can change and that all will be well, if not momentarily, most certainly when the 'time is right' for a most beautiful future on this planet!

Thank you Jane, where would I be without you and the most beautiful Spiritual help connections, guidance and abundant laughter and tears on route!

With love and blessings.

BEXHILL-ON-SEA, East Sussex, England


I found Jane when I was looking for someone who could offer distant healing during Covid. My mum has just been diagnosed with cancer and I wanted to offer her some spiritual support alongside the treatment. From my first phone call with Jane I knew we were in the hands of an incredibly kind, soul.
Jane did sessions every week for Mum and always followed up with a report of her findings and any messages she received whilst connecting with Mum. Often times incredibly accurate and always an interesting read. Sometimes Jane went into Akashic’s, or received recommendations of helpful remedies or crystals.

I am incredibly grateful to have found Jane, and was intrigued to try an Akashic session myself!

I found her supportive and encouraging and will keep in touch.

Hair & Make up Artist

Abstract art in Instagram  @hannawildmanart


 I had an amazing message from the angels! And Jane is a sweatheart, so kind and and beautiful person! The message was sent straight to my heart! I had chills and tears it was a great experience.

C G Italy


I recently undertook Reiki One Training Online with Jane. It was a lovely experience. Jane is very professional and an excellant teacher. She explained everything in relation to Reiki, and I received a good grounding in the history of Reiki's background. During the training I felt really relaxed. Jane has a great sense of humour, and she weaves fun into the day. Finally I want to say, Jane is a wonderful listener, and includes tips to support anything that may arise ie: feelings, questions and so on. Next year I will be booking in for further training, and Rahanni is on my list. Highly Recommend Jane for all that she offers.

Thank you so very much.

J M. Jersey Channel Islands.


I have had a course of amazing Rahanni sessions with Jane. She is an intuitive energy healer and I have left her sessions feeling lighter with a sense of peace and calm. She offers guidance in a safe and respectful way and is connected to the masters, angels and guides to bring messages forward for the highest and greatest good. I feel she is is a channel to the light and has a gift of healing through touch which enables those in receipt to heal from within. i completely recommend booking some sessions with Jane. Sarah x

Sarah Massiah

Bexhill East Sussex UK


I have had the most wonderful experience with Jane. Her readings and healings are spot on. I would thorougly recommend Jane she is so professional and makes you feel so relaxed. I will be having more healing sessions and readings in the future with Jane.

C B East Sussex UK