Akashic Records Healing


              "Soul Healing Focuses on your Souls Growth and Destiny"

              "We often need to look back before we can move Forward”


                      "Understanding Family Dynamics and Discords" 


Akashic Records Healing :     £70 GBP :     75 minutes 

Akashic Records Healing :    £188 GBP :    Set of 3 Bookings


Akashic Records Healing via Remote/Distant also Available:


Payment via :  Bacs :  PayPal :  Revolut :  Monzo :


Available Worldwide

Via :   Whatsapp Video Call :  Skype Video Call : Phone Call :


How do I make a Booking inquiry?

Please email :   beautiful-souls@mail.com  

                                         or via

                                  Contact Info Tab


Once we have confirmed your Booking you will receive the following requested requirements, as follows. .


I will ask for your Permission to Access your Records on your behalf.

Please kindly disclose your one Specific Question as this will assist the Reading to travel where it needs to go.

Please include your full name that you are known as today and any nicknames.

Also Days and Times that suits you best. ( early evening and some Saturdays are available)

Your preference for receiving the Reading, ie: Skype or Whatsapp Video Call or Phone call.

Payment preference.  (of which details will be sent to you at time of booking)

Thank you


Reading the Records do not align with fortune telling, or even a simple Yes/No answer. They are mainly alighned with Empowering you, and would never make a solid choice for you or to impose on your free will. With that said, the Discoveries lead to Clearing and Healing the Karmic Path for your Highest best.


I am often asked if the future is written within the Akashic Records?

This is a complex question, but what I can say is this. Through the Insights, Journeys, Discoveries and Healing Shifts that take place during your Souls  Reading, changes do occur, this ultimately improves the ability to create the best possible future.


I am also often asked about Discords within Families and Relationships?

What I can share here is:  by accessing the Akashic Records and working through relationship and family issues, it ultimately becomes a wonderful way to begin to understand the "How" and the "Why" this maybe occurring? and to begin to heal ourselves and to see others in a different and new light.


Please feel free to read the description under the heading "Further Information" below, in which reflects on my personal interpretation on how I have been given by the Masters and Keeper of the Records including the Sacred Pathway Prayer, to access and work on your behalf.      


Further Information :


What are the Akashic Records?

Where are they?

Why do your Akashic Records matter?

These records are also known as your Book of Life. The word Akasha relates to the Sanskrit name meaning space, sky or aether. (Sanskrit is an ancient language of India.) So, your Book of Life is not kept in the written word. It is stored in the aether, out there where it is curated, organised, by the Beings of Light.

What is in your Book of life?

It is said that one's memories, thoughts, actions, emotions, deeds and events from the beginning of the existence of your soul are stored here. In other words, the Akasha's are the story of your Soul's Path. This Path has many signposts along the way for us to explore and discover. It is often found that instances of disharmony today reverberate from an echo, or echoes, of a past life or many lifetimes and which are causing unease. We may be repeating a behavioural response that was first generated in a different lifetime - or even in this lifetime.

How can we access these Records?

Through a sacred pathway the Akashic Records are accessed, we can look at making healing shifts and a positive change and so move forward on a more even keel. Exploring the Records is truly life-enhancing. The spiritual aspects of vision and knowing which have travelled with me from a young age have enabled me to communicate with the Beings of Light who are the librarians of your stories.

Can we call this Soul Retrieval?

Most certainly we can! We can assist in the healing of any unease showing up in this lifetime as an aspect of your Soul which is ready to change. Going into these Records is a journey pretty magical in itself - seeing where the echoes of discord are, where there is a lack of harmony. We can discover how these situations have arisen, the root causes, and witness the shifts, for when we are at our soul's core, we are truly strong.

Then what happens, once all has been presented and taken place within the Akashic Records?

What we present, offer up for questioning, will ultimately be known as the old story from the old book. It will no longer resonate because it is removed in a beautiful ceremony within the Akasha. And here a new book is given with its crisp white pages containing a few words of wisdom. Often gifts are presented to. This new book is ceremonially placed on the shelf in your Akashic Library. It is here, in your new book, where you may recreate your own new story alongside the guidance and healing offered and any gifts presented to you.

Bookkeeping with a difference.



Services at Beautiful Souls does not claim to diagnose any medical condition or cure. If you have a health issue that requires medical attention or a general health question, it is always recommend that you consult your medical practitioner. The services provided by Beautiful Souls is purely holistic.

Cancellation Policy & Refunds

Please give 48 hours notice if you wish to cancel an appointment as 50% maybe charged.